Monday, September 27, 2010

Tourney/cash on 9/25

Saturday was are monthly tournmanet for the league I am with the points to see who goes to Vegas. I am out of the points race so for me to make it, I have to win one of the remaining 4 tournaments. I was playing this tournament to win. It is a different structure of how to play because it is a quick tournament with blinds going up so fast and we dont have a lot of chips, so it forces a little bit more aggression out of the players.

I played my game and we started with 36 players, we got down to the final 17 players, and I was at avg stack, but that still puts you at about 12-12 big blinds. I had aq suited, it went call of blinds, avg. raise, that raised was called, I saw my hand and I shoved. one caller, flop was kj7 rainbow. WOmen that called me had kq, I was crushed, no A came and my tourney was done.

During the cash game there were a lot of hands, but we didnt play that long and I started with 100, bought in for another 100, got that up to 400, got that quickly back down to about 80, ended up cashing out for 120, so that put me at losing 80 for the night.

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