Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The last 2 months of online

I have been awful at updating this blog with my online play. I stopped playing online for a while, and I was dedicating way more to live poker. Because my play online is so diverse( I have been trying different methods, different sites etc) it is tough to track on here. I am re-assessing my online strategy and seeing which way works best for me. Is it just tournies, is it just cash, is it a mix of both, what limits should I be playing etc.

I will say that in the last 2 months, I have been on Pokerstars and Full tilt. At the end of the day, I am up $35 total from the two pages. I have since cashed out on FTP and just have money in my pstars account.
On pstars it went something like this:
- started with $150, won a bunch in small cash games, lost a bunch in tournies.
- put in another $150, then another $50. That puts me $350 in to the web page.
- cashed in a couple of tournies, and made some money in cash games.
- Currently my account is $185, which means I have lost $165 on this page.
On FTP it went something like this:
- started with $150.
- won about $100 in cash games
- got greedy with my tourney entries and never was able to cash, spent most of the $250 in buy-ins.
- put in another $200, so I was into this $350.
- played .5/$1 cash games and got my acocunt up to $550 total. I cashed out the full $550, putting me at up $200 on this site.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tourney/cash on 9/25

Saturday was are monthly tournmanet for the league I am with the points to see who goes to Vegas. I am out of the points race so for me to make it, I have to win one of the remaining 4 tournaments. I was playing this tournament to win. It is a different structure of how to play because it is a quick tournament with blinds going up so fast and we dont have a lot of chips, so it forces a little bit more aggression out of the players.

I played my game and we started with 36 players, we got down to the final 17 players, and I was at avg stack, but that still puts you at about 12-12 big blinds. I had aq suited, it went call of blinds, avg. raise, that raised was called, I saw my hand and I shoved. one caller, flop was kj7 rainbow. WOmen that called me had kq, I was crushed, no A came and my tourney was done.

During the cash game there were a lot of hands, but we didnt play that long and I started with 100, bought in for another 100, got that up to 400, got that quickly back down to about 80, ended up cashing out for 120, so that put me at losing 80 for the night.

online 9/20-9/24

I did a lot of online playing last week, but I never updated this blog. It was all tournaments ranging from 4-12 dollar buy in's. It is funny, that in person I will enter a $200 tourney with no problem and/or bring a ton of money to cash game, I will play for way smaller limits. I have my reasons for that, but I will save that for another time.

Last week, my big win( not really financially) was I entered a $4 tournament that had 1163 people in it. I got down to the final 40, so I was way in the cash. I was pretty short stacked, but I played smart and didnt just shove with anything, and I eventually got it to where I was about 10th place with 25 left, but blinds were creeping fast. I ended up getting QQ and had to shove, got called by AA. what else can I do? I went out 14th. Here is the problem, I only one $43 for that. Yes, I wont 10 times my buy in, but to sit there for 4 hours and win 43 bucks is good and bad all at the same time.

Other then that last week, I played 22 tournmanents where it is the double or nothing were it is 5 to enter. I won 12 of them, so I ended up exactly even when you back out the small fee on each one.

I also did 6 KO tournies all for 9 bucks each. in those 6 tournies, I knocked out 13 people so I got 13 bucks on that, but I only cashed in one of them, so out of the 54 I spent to get in to those tournies, I only one about 25 total, so I lost about 30 on those.

I did the daily dollar twice( $1 to enter) and cashed both times, but both times it was only for 2.20 so I ended up winning approx. $2 total in those.

I did about 6, $8 tournies and about 10 $4 tournies, in all of those I ended up cashing in a couple but only winnning about 45 total, so I lost on that.

In cash, I stepped up and was playing .5/1, 2 windows open at all times. In the first 3 days of the week when I played, I ended up $375 in those days. It was great, the big hand was when I had kj suited and I was on the button and it was $3.50 to see the flop and 4 people were already in. Instead of raising, I jut called( I had about 80 in front of me). flop comes out aq10 rainbow. it goes check, $7 bet, raise to $18. I then push for all mu chips, happy to take it down or get someone on a draw to commit all of their money to me. Both betters called me( the others folded). We all had about the same, but they both had about 10 more, the turn was the 4 of clubs, which put 2 clubs on board, they both insta shoved all in for their remaining 20 or so each. I am ahead with my straight, but I have no flush. Other guy has a10 of clubs, so now he has 2 pair and a flush draw( in my head I am thinking 13 outs to beat me) other guy shows q10 so he can only win with a q, bc I already lost if the case 10 comes out. River is a 7 of diamonds and I take the whole pot.

The problem with that was within the next two days I was able to lose about $300 back to cash games, which put me back down for the week, and then last night I just bought in for 70 bucks at that table while watching the end of one of the games, got lucky on some hands, got up to 130 real quick and just signed off. It was an interesting week of online for me.

Monday, September 20, 2010

online play the last month

I have not been updating this as much as I should be, but I have moved to just playihg tournaments online. Playing cash games online is not my game. For me to play cash games, I want it to be in person.

As far as the tournaments go, I am up approx. $277 in the last month. It gets a little diffucult to track since it is between two different sites. On FTP I am playing the $6 KO tournies, and the $8 tournies. I will every once in a while play a $2-$7 tournament with a ton of people in it. 3 times I have been up a lot, and I have played a $26 tournament, and I have not cashed in any of those. The 6 and 8 dollar tournies always have either 90 or 180 people in it. In the last 2 weeks, I have had 6 cashes in these different tournaments on FTP, but they dont email results out.
On Pstars, I am playing the $4 and $8 tournies and I will do the $11 tournament if I am up. They email results of every tournament I play this double or nothing tournament they have sometimes for $5 a time. It's a 10 man SitnGo, and top 5 just double their money. I have played in 19 of them and cashed in 8 of them, so that means I have put out $95 to those tournies and I have won a total of $80( winnings plus entry back) so overall I am down $10 on them. I have cashed in two other tournies on Pstars.

Moving forward, I will be updating this every time I play online, because when I go this long, I lose track and it is way harder for me to follow exactly how much I am up/down.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Online 8/1

This was one of those days, where nothing could go wrong for me. I started playing around 7 at night and played until around 1130 or 12. I started with $50 in my ftp account and got it up to $230, even though I lost about 50 on my pstars account, still an overall great day.

On pstars, I had a $25 window open, a $12.50 table open, and then I always had a 1.15, 10 person double or nothing tourney open. I played 4 of those tourneys and won( top 5 double there money) 3 of them so I ended up only netting 2 dollar profit. they have the same double or nothing tourneys for way more money, but I need to get more of these under my belt before I start playing these for serious money. The cash games, I got absolutely crushed in. I can only recall one hand that I played very, very, badly, the other ones were just missed flops, etc and next thing I knew, I was out, and then I decided not to rebuy at all.

FTP was a different story, I won $180 on FTP and I was playing a table that had a $25 max buy in. The huge hand was later on in the night, I had about $40 in front of me and most people at the table had between $35-50. I am 2 seats from the BB. The guy UTB makes it $3, I have A10 spades, and I call. 4 more people call and we see a flop( $15 in pot so far). Flop comes out KKJ, 2 spades. Original raiser makes it $6, I insta call( thinking if anyone raises after, I will come back over the top since I have the nut flush draw, the straight draw, and I am hoping someone has ak, someone else has open ended, and maybe aj or smaller flush draw, but I just hope no one has kj. 2 guys call after me, one guys folds, it is now close to $40 in the pot. Turn is 10 of diamonds. Orig better goes all in for his final $11, at this point I assume he has kj, but I can still take down a huge side pot from the other 2 after me, so I call and not raise. The two guys after me call instantly. About $85 in the pot now, river is 4 spades. I hit the nut flush, and I know a boat beats me, but I still shove my remaining $17 or so, I get called by both. I win, take down the pot. It was about a $130ish pot, I have never seen a pot that big. Orig raiser had ak, so he was good the whole way until the rive. guy after me a10, to run gave him gut shot and pair, I am not sure why he stayed in. guy on button had 89 spades and hit his flush on the river. It was a crazy hand. After that I played a little more, but overall it was a great night online.
Total winnings: +130

online 7/31

I am not sure why I was even playing today. Terry and I had gone to Delaware Park and played live from about 9pm-630am, and then we got back to his house, I couldn't sleep and next thing I knew it was 1030am and I was playing cash games. I wish I could tell you exactly how I did or what I played exactly, but I was not only tired there and felt like a zombie, we left his house at 530 that day and went and played up in towson from about 6pm-2am, so the whole weekend is sort of a non-sleep dream, but I know by looking back at my accounts and some hand history's, I ended up playing for about 3 hours total throughout the day and I won $16. It was all on pstars, i didn't even touch my FTP account.
Total winnings for the day $16

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Towson Tourney/cash games 7/31

This is a tourney we do one Saturday a month and then we play cash games after. The tourney is $100 and I lost that, and then I sat down for cash games. I bought in for $100, after some hands( I will get into later) I bought in for another 140, and then another 100 again, so I was into the game for $340. We played all night, I ended up walking out with $830 which puts me up $530 for the night in cash.. The game there is always 1/2, but it is a way more social game, I know everyone playing, and some of the pots just get out of control. There is always a raise and at least 2 calls pre-flop. The game is made up of about half people that know how to play poker and the other half that just sort of know or think they know. I just played my game the whole time. I had 7 pots I was involved in that were between 160-250, and I won 5 of them and lost 2 of them. At the beginning I was losing a lot of pots on the flop. I would have 55, flop would be akq, i would have ak, flop would 789 suited. I was just card dead for a while, but was getting good enough hands to call pre-flop.
Total winnings- $430