Tuesday, August 3, 2010

online 7/31

I am not sure why I was even playing today. Terry and I had gone to Delaware Park and played live from about 9pm-630am, and then we got back to his house, I couldn't sleep and next thing I knew it was 1030am and I was playing cash games. I wish I could tell you exactly how I did or what I played exactly, but I was not only tired there and felt like a zombie, we left his house at 530 that day and went and played up in towson from about 6pm-2am, so the whole weekend is sort of a non-sleep dream, but I know by looking back at my accounts and some hand history's, I ended up playing for about 3 hours total throughout the day and I won $16. It was all on pstars, i didn't even touch my FTP account.
Total winnings for the day $16

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