Sunday, August 1, 2010

Del. Park 7/30

Terry and I got up there at around 840 at night and by the time we both got to a table it was around 9:00. We decided we were going to play all night.
I started at 1/2 and bought in for $300. I played until 6am. I had my ups and my downs. Within the first hour, i was up $100 and things were looking good. No huge hands, just me raising and taking down pots at the right time and using my aggression to help me with cbet on flops and turns, I would take down the pot. I lost a pretty big hand about 2 hours into it, and that knocked me down to about 195, I hovered around the 175-240 mark for the next 4 or 5 hours, then when I had around 245, I woke up with KK UTG. I made it $10( at my table, I expected 2 callers with that). I got called by button and small blind. flop is AK10, I shove all in and I am called by a10, it holds up, he had less then me, but that hand still put me up to about $440. I then just grinded and played my game and got it to where I was up $290 for the night, and then on the last hand of the night( literally, I had my chips in a rack, terry was standing behind me getting ready to leave and they were breaking our table up, and I shipped about 240ish away on kings to a flush. At the end of the night, I ended up about $150 for the night, forgetting that when they switched tables on us, I had won a $100 black chip and had that in my pocked and forgot about it. It was great to find. Luckily for me, the next night would be way more winnings.
Total winnings: $150

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